Along the Line:
McCloud Hotel

The lumber company built a large and fine hotel across the street from the railroad depot to house visitors and guests. The first building to occupy the site is seen here in an old postcard view.

After a fire destroyed the original structure the lumber company replaced it with the structure that still survives today. Eastman studios postcard, Jeff Moore collection.

The view from the hotel's front porch on 25 July 1963. David S. Moore photo.

By the 1984 date of this photo the building was in increasingly poor shape, and would be shortly condemned and closed to the public. Steven D. Moore photo.

The building became centerpiece to McCloud's revival as an upper scale tourist destination in the middle 1990s after new owners beautifully renovated the building. It has remained open as a hotel and bed and breakfast ever since. Jeff Moore photo.

The following links are to historic photographs of McCloud from the Eastman Photo Collection in the Special Collections Department of the University of California Davis Library; used with permission. [PLEASE NOTE: Each link opens in the same browser window as this page. To return here, use your browser's BACK BUTTON.

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