Along the Line:
McCloud Business District

Heart of the downtown area was the company store building, through which all employees were expected to purchase their every need and want. The store had sattelite facilities in the outlying log camps and facilities. Heritage Junction Museum of McCloud, Inc.

A modern day repeat view of the above image. The building has been used for primarily retail stores in recent decades, including the McCloud hardware store for a good part of the 1980s and early 1990s. Much of the building is now a bed and breakfast operation. Jeff Moore.

Looking north from the old store building. The structure that currently houses the Heritage Junction Museum of McCloud is just visible on the right side of the frame. The two buildings beyond are the post office and a bank building, both occupy the site of the McCloud opera house. Photo is by Peter Ely and is from the Drew Toner collection.

The following links are to historic photographs of McCloud from the Eastman Photo Collection in the Special Collections Department of the University of California Davis Library; used with permission. [PLEASE NOTE: Each link opens in the same browser window as this page. To return here, use your browser's BACK BUTTON.

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