McCloud River Railroad Company
Locomotive #3

Stearns 2-Truck Heisler
c/n- 1004
Drivers- 40"
Cylinders- 16x24
Weight- 90,000 lbs.
Boiler pressure- 160 lbs.
Tractive effort- 17,500 lbs.

 The only known photo of McCloud River Railroad #3 hauling a log train on the Ash Creek line. Photo courtesy of Heritage Junction Museum of McCloud, Inc.

 Weed Lumber Company #2, formerly the McCloud River #3. Unknown photographer, DSRichter-JohnLabbe-Oso Publishing Company, John T. Labbe Collection of Logging and Railroad Photographs, 1892-2010, Washington State Archives, Digital Archives,

 This photo shows the former McCloud River #3 as Willamette Valley Lumber Company #6. Glen Comstock collection.

 Another view of the former McCloud River #3 as Willamette Valley Lumber #6, this one from near the end of its life. Jerry Lamper collection.